dmpopidor / app / views / super_admin / themes / _form.html.erb
@John Pinto John Pinto on 6 Aug 2019 1 KB Enable spellcheck for text fields:
<% url = @theme.new_record? ? super_admin_themes_path : super_admin_theme_path(@theme) %>

 <%= form_for @theme, url: url, html: { class: 'theme' } do |f| %>
   <div class="form-group">
     <%= f.label(:title, _('Title'), class: 'control-label') %>
     <%= f.text_field(:title, class: "form-control", spellcheck: true, "aria-required": true) %>
   <div class="form-group">
     <%= f.label(:description, _('Guidance')) %>
     <%= f.text_area(:description, class: "form-control", rows: 10) %>
   <div class="pull-right">
     <%= f.button(_('Save'), class: "btn btn-default", type: "submit") %>
     <% unless @theme.new_record? %>
       <%= link_to(_('Delete'), super_admin_theme_path(@theme), class: 'btn btn-default',
         rel: 'nofollow', 'data-method': 'delete',
         'data-confirm': _("Are you sure you want to delete the theme \"%{title}\"?") % { title: @theme.title }) %>
     <% end %>
     <%= link_to(_('Cancel'), super_admin_themes_path, class: 'btn btn-default', role: 'button') %>
 <% end %>