dmpopidor / lib / assets / javascripts / locale / fr / app.js
@Brian Riley Brian Riley on 7 Sep 2018 64 KB Remove old JS form validations (#1867)
var locales = locales || {}; = { domain: 'app', locale_data: { app: { '': { 'Project-Id-Version': 'app 1.0.0', 'Report-Msgid-Bugs-To': '', 'PO-Revision-Date': '2017-05-02 14:54+0000', 'Last-Translator': 'FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>', 'Language-Team': 'LANGUAGE <>', Language: '', 'MIME-Version': '1.0', 'Content-Type': 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8', 'Content-Transfer-Encoding': '8bit', 'Plural-Forms': 'nplurals=INTEGER; plural=EXPRESSION;', lang: 'fr', domain: 'app', plural_forms: 'nplurals=INTEGER; plural=EXPRESSION;' }, ' Plan': ['plans'], " Select what format you wish to use and click to 'Export'.": ['Exporter'], ' Share note': ['Partager la note'], ' access to': [''], ' access. ': [''], ' by': [' par '], ' has been removed by ': [' par '], ' have been changed by': [' par '], ' into your browser)': [''], ' on ': [''], ' or ': [''], ' password. You can do this through the link below.': [''], ' team': ['am'], ' to accept the invitation, (or copy ': [''], ' will help you to develop your Data Management Plan. If you have any queries or feedback as you use the tool, please contact us on ': [''], '\\"Are you sure you want to unlink #{scheme.description} ID?\\"': ['Identifiant'], '\\"The current #{scheme.description} iD has been already linked to a user with email #{}\\"': ['user'], '\\"Unlink your account from #{scheme.description}. You can link again at any time.\\"': [''], '\\"Your account has been linked to #{scheme.description}.\\"': [''], '%d days': [''], '%d minutes': [''], '%d months': [''], '%d years': [''], '%{application_name}': ['DMPonline'], "%{application_name} doesn't recognise your institutional credentials - either you haven't created an account with us or you haven't linked these details to your existing account.<br/>* If you <strong>do not have</strong> an account with %{application_name}, please complete the form below.<br/>* If you <strong>have</strong> an account with %{application_name}, please <a href='#header-login-form' data-toggle='modal' class='a_orange'>Sign in</a> so we can link your account to your institutional credentials.<br/>Once you have created and/or linked your account, you'll be able to sign in with your institutional credentials directly.": ['DMPonline'], '%{application_name} is provided by the %{organisation_name}.<br /> You can find out more about us on our <a href=\\"%{organisation_url}\\" target=\\"_blank\\">website</a>. If you would like to contact us about %{application_name}, please fill out the form below.': ['DMPonline'], '%{application_name} stories from the %{organisation_abbreviation} website': ['DMPonline'], '%{format} is not a valid exporting format. Available formats to export are %{available_formats}.': [''], '%{value} is not a valid format': [''], '(Using custom PDF formatting values)': ['(Utilisation de valeurs de mise en forme PDF personnalisées)'], '(Using template PDF formatting values)': ['(Utilisation des valeurs de mise en forme PDF du modèle)'], '-': [''], '... (continued)': [''], "<div class='tooltip_box'><h4>Questions to consider:</h4><ul><li>- What is the nature of your research project?</li><li>- What research questions are you addressing? </li><li>- For what purpose are the data being collected or created? </li></ul><h4>Guidance:</h4><p>Briefly summarise the type of study (or studies) to help others understand the purposes for which the data are being collected or created.</p></div>": ['<div class=tooltip_box><h4>Questions auxquelles réfléchir :</h4><ul><li>- Quelle est la nature de votre projet de recherche ?</li><li>- Quelles ont les problématiques de recherche que vous traitez ? </li><li>- Dans quel but est effectuée la collecte ou la création des données ? </li></ul><h4>Conseils :</h4><p>Résumez brièvement le type détude(s) pour permettre à dautres de comprendre dans quel but les données sont collectées ou créées.</p></div>'], "<div class='white_background'> <p>The %{organisation_name} ('%{organisation_abbreviation}') are consortia supported by %{legal_entity}. Our primary constituency is the research community, particularly the higher and further education sector.</p> </div> <h3>%{application_name}</h3> <div class='white_background'> <p>%{application_name} ('the tool', 'the system') is a tool developed by the %{organisation_abbreviation} as a shared resource for the research community. It is hosted by %{legal_entity}.</p> </div> <h3>Your personal details</h3> <div class='white_background'> <p>In order to help identify and administer your account with %{application_name}, we need to store your email address. We may also use it to contact you to obtain feedback on your use of the tool, or to inform you of the latest developments or releases. The information may be transferred between the %{organisation_abbreviation} partner institutions but only for legitimate %{organisation_abbreviation} purposes. We will not sell, rent or trade any personal information you provide to us.</p> </div> <h3>Privacy policy</h3> <div class='white_background'> <p>The information you enter into this system can be seen by you, people you have chosen to share access with, and - solely for the purposes of maintaining the service - system administrators at %{legal_entity}.  We compile anonymised, automated and aggregated information from plans, but we will not directly access, make use of, or share your content with anyone else without your permission. Authorised officers of your home institution may access your plans for specific purposes - for example, to track compliance with funder/institutional requirements or to calculate storage requirements.</p> </div> <h3>Freedom of Information</h3> <div class='white_background'> <p>%{legal_entity} holds your plans on your behalf, but they are your property and responsibility. Any FOI applicants will be referred back to your home institution.</p> </div> <h3>Passwords</h3> <div class='white_background'> <p>Your password is stored in encrypted form and cannot be retrieved. If forgotten it has to be reset.</p> </div> <h3>Cookies</h3> <div class='white_background'> <p>Please note that %{application_name} uses Cookies. Further information about Cookies and how we use them is available on the <a target='_blank' href=''>main DCC website</a>.</p> </div> <br /> <div class='white_background'> <p>Use of the tool indicates that you understand and agree to these terms and conditions.</p></div>": ["l'outil\\\",\\\"le système"], "<h3>Useful resources on Data Management Planning</h3> <ul class='help_ul'> <li> <a target='_blank' href=''>UK funder requirements for Data Management Plans</a> [webpage]<br /> A summary of requirements from UK Research Councils and other charitable or health funders. </li> <li> <a target='_blank' href=''>US funder requirements for Data Management Plans</a> [webpage]<br /> A summary of requirements from the NSF, NIH and other key funders in the USA. </li> <li> <a target='_blank' href='/files/DMP_Checklist_2013.pdf'>DCC Checklist for a Data Management Plan</a> [PDF, 3 pages]<br /> A list of 13 questions and associated guidance, that represent the main issues to come up in Data Management and Sharing Plans. The Checklist is used as a generic template in %{application_name}, and is presented when no funder or organsiational requirements are applicable for the user. </li> <li> <a target='_blank' href=' to Develop.pdf'>How to develop a Data Management and Sharing Plan</a> [PDF, 8 pages]<br />A guide by the Digital Curation Centre that outlines typical funder requirements for DMPs and the types of considerations to make when responding. </li> </ul> <h3>Example Data Management Plans</h3> <ul class='help_ul'> <li> <a target='_blank' href=''>Technical plan submitted to the AHRC</a> [PDF, 7 pages]<br /> A DMP submitted by a researcher from the University of Bristol, also including comments from the reviewers </li> <li> <a target='_blank' href=''>Two social science DMPs</a> [PDF, 7 pages]<br /> Example plans from researchers at the University of Leeds, shared as part of the Leeds RoaDMaP training materials </li> <li> <a target='_blank' href=''>Health sciences DMP</a> [PDF, 11 pages]<br /> Example DMP produced by the DATUM for Health RDM training project </li> <li> <a target='_blank' href=''>Psychology DMP</a> [PDF, 11 pages]<br /> A very detailed, fictional psychology DMP produced by the DMTpsych RDM training project, based on a seminal psychology experiment </li> <li> <a target='_blank' href=''>UCSD Example Data Management Plans</a> [webpage]<br /> Over 20 example plans submitted to the National Science Foundation (NSF) in the United States by academics at UC San Diego </li> <li> <a target='_blank' href=''>Colorado School of Mines examples</a> [webpage]<br /> A variety of US example DMPs from Mines and elsewhere </li> <li> <a target='_blank' href=''>NSF data management plans</a> [webpage]<br /> 5 DMPs submitted to the NSF, shared by the DataOne initiative </li> <li> <a target='_blank' href=''>Biology and chemistry DMPs</a> [webpage]<br /> Three example DMPs from the USA shared by NECDMC, an instructional tool for teaching RDM to undergraduates, graduate students, and researchers in the health sciences, sciences and engineering. </li> </ul> <h3>Useful guides on Research Data Management in general</h3> <ul class='help_ul'> <li> <a target='_blank' href=''>Managing and Sharing Data: best practice for researchers</a> [PDF, 36 pages]<br /> A guide by the UK Data Service covering a range of topics including data formats, documentaion, ethics, copyright and data sharing. </li> <li> <a target='_blank' href=''>How to Cite Datasets and Link to Publications</a> [PDF, 12 pages]<br /> A guide by the Digital Curation Centre giving practical guidelines on how to cite data and the different tools and infrastructure that can be used to support data citation. </li> <li> <a target='_blank' href=''>How to License Research Data</a> [PDF, 16 pages]<br /> A guide by the Digital Curation Centre that outlines different types of licenses, the pros and cons of each and how they can be applied. </li> <li> <a target='_blank' href=' to Appraise and Select Research Data.pdf'>How to Appraise and Select Research Data for Curation</a> [PDF, 8 pages]<br /> A guide by ANDS and the Digital Curation Centre on how to select which data to keep for long-term preservation, sharing and reuse. The guide puts forward several criteria to aid selection decisions. </li> <li> <a target='_blank' href=''>Research Data MANTRA</a> [online resource]<br /> An online training course designed for researchers or others planning to manage digital data as part of the research process. The course includes a number of software practicals on using SPSS, R, ArcGIS and NVivo. </li> </ul>": ["Si vous avez besoin de plus de directives, communiquez avec nous par courriel à <a href=' Assistant PGD'></a>.</p>"], '<p>%{application_name} has been jointly developed by the <strong>%{organisation_name}</strong> to help you write data management plans.</p>': ['<p>DMPonline est un développement du <a href= target=_blank>Digital Curation Centre</a> (Centre de curation numérique britannique - DCC) pour vous aider dans la rédaction de plans de gestion de données, ou DMP.</p>'], "<p>%{application_name} is developed and maintained by the UK %{organisation_name}. We’re a small team, and are happy to collaborate with others. There are various ways you can get involved:</p> <h3>Join the user group</h3> <p>We run a <a target='_blank' href=''>listserv</a> for the %{application_name} user group that you can request to join. We also host periodic meetings to consult on our plans. Being part of the user group gives you the opportunity to be informed about future developments and to provide feedback to help shape our plans.</p> <p>Our user group sessions are usually focused around a certain topic (e.g. fleshing out use cases for an API) so invites are sent based on your areas of expertise. It is helpful for us to know your role and interests to invite relevant people to each session. Please introduce yourself on the list and share your ideas.</p> <p>Notes from previous user group sessions are provided below:</p> <ul> <li>- <a href='/files/DMPonline-user-group-IDCC-2016.pdf' target='_blank'>Meeting notes covering internationalisation and locales, 23 February 2016</a></li> <li>- <a href='/files/DMPonline-user-group-notes-29Jan2015' target='_blank'>Meeting notes covering plan lifecycle and review, 29 January 2015</a></li> </ul> <p>Please let us know your interests and share your ideas for future developments via the mailing list so the community as a whole can feedback on them.</p> <h3>Customise %{application_name}</h3> <p>%{application_name} can be customised by institutions and disciplines. You can add templates for users in your organisation and tailored guidance that explains local support and services. Example answers can also be offered to help users understand what to write in a Data Management Plan. To do this you’ll need to request admin access, so please email us on <a href='{application_name} Admin access' target='_top'></a>.</p> <p>Futher guidance on customising %{application_name} is available on the <a href='%{organisation_url}' target='_blank'>%{application_name} website</a>.</p> <h3>Contribute to the code</h3> <p>%{application_name} is a Ruby on Rails application. The <a href=''>source code</a> is made available under an <a href=''>MIT License</a>. This permits others to reuse the code freely, but obligates you to share the source code for any extensions in the same way. Please inform us if you install an instance of %{application_name} and offer your contributions back to the community.</p> <p>If you install an instance of %{application_name} we require that you credit the %{organisation_abbreviation} as originators of the tool. We recommend that the acknowledgement takes the form of the %{application_name} logo with a link back to the %{organisation_abbreviation}-hosted version of the tool.</p> <p>We are willing to work with external developers to add new features to the tool. We are also open to delivering new features on a chargeable basis. If there are extensions you would like to see prioritised and have resource to support additional developer effort, please contact us on to negotiate terms.</p> <p>The code is available on <a target='_blank' href='%{application_url}'>GitHub</a></p> <h3>Support our work</h3> <p>We are impressed by the uptake of %{application_name} both in the UK and internationally and are really keen to hear  how you are using the tool and promoting it in your context. We are aware that others have run training courses, developed guidance materials and advocated use of the tool. Please notify us of this as it helps to show impact.</p> <p>We are currently investigating options for revenue generation. This will help us serve the increased demand more effectively and safeguard the long-term sustainability of %{application_name}. Plans will be released for consultation soon but we also welcome your suggestions on how best to support our work.</p> ": ['DMPonline'], "<p>From here you can  download your plan in various formats. This may be useful if you need to submit your plan as part of a grant application.</br> Select what format you wish to use and click to 'Export'.</p>": ['<p>À ce niveau, vous pouvez décharger votre plan sous différents formats. Cela peut vous être utile pour soumettre votre plan dans une demande de subvention.</br> Sélectionnez votre format et cliquez sur Exporter.</p>'], '<p>Here you set the title that users will see. If you intend to have multiple phases for you DMP, this should be clear in the title and description.<p/>': ['<p>Vous définissez ici le titre que verrons les utilisateurs. Si vous souhaitez que votre DMP comporte plusieurs phases, cela doit apparaître clairement dans le titre et la description.<p/>'], '<p>Select themes that are relevant to this question.</p> <p>This allows your generic institution-level guidance to be drawn in, as well as that from other sources e.g. the %{organisation_abbreviation} or any Schools/Departments that you provide guidance for. </p> <p>You can select multiple themes by using the CTRL button.</p>': ['<p>Sélectionnez les thèmes relatifs à cette question.</p> <p>Cette fonction permet dintégrer une documentation générale dassistance de votre établissement, comme encore issue dautres sources comme le DCC et des facultés ou départements auxquels vous fournissez des conseils. </p> <p>Vous pouvez sélectionner plusieurs thèmes avec la touche CTRL.</p>'], "<p>The %{organisation_abbreviation} are now collaborating to develop a joint codebase for Data Management Planning called <a href='' target='_blank'>DMP Roadmap</a>. Both of our tools will be delivered using this in the future. We've agreed what features need to be included and are planning a few sprints to deliver these. The initial release will include all of the main priorities we already had flagged, including:</p> <ul> <li>- APIs to create plans, extract guidance and generate statistics from %{application_name}</li> <li>- Multi-lingual support so foreign language versions can be presented</li> <li>- Locales to provide a refined set of content for particular countries or other contexts</li> <li>- A lifecycle to indicate the status of DMPs and allow institutional access to plans</li> <li>- Support for reviewing Data Management Plans</li> </ul> <p>%{application_name} has an active and growing user base, and we are grateful to the members who suggest ideas for new and improved features. If you would like to help shape our future plans, please join the <a href='' target='_blank'>user group</a>. More information on how you can engage with us is available under the 'Get involved' tab.</p> <h3>Current release</h3> <p>The current version of %{application_name} is %{application_version}.</p> <ul> <li>- <a href='%{application_release_notes_url}' target='_blank'>Release Notes</a></li> <li>- <a href='/files/DMPonline-v4-InstitutionalBranding.pdf' target='_blank'>Customise %{application_name} tool with institutional branding</a></li> </ul> <p>The code is available on <a target='_blank' href='%{application_url}'>GitHub</a></p> </br>": ['DMPonline'], '<p>To create a new template, first enter a title and description. Once you have saved this you will be presented with options to add one or more phases. </p>': ['<p>Pour créer un nouveau modèle, commencez par saisir un titre et une description. Un fois ces éléments enregistrés, le programme vous propose dajouter une phase ou plus. </p>'], "<p>When you login to %{application_name} you will be directed to the 'My plans' page. From here you can edit, share, export or delete any of your plans. You will also see plans that have been shared with you by others.</p> <h3>Create a plan</h3> <p>To create a plan, click the 'Create plan' button from the 'My plans' page or  the top menu. Select options from the drop-down menus and tickboxes to determine what questions and guidance you should be presented with. Confirm your selection by clicking 'Yes, create plan'</p> <h3>Write your plan</h3> <p>The tabbed interface allows you to navigate through different functions when editing your plan.</p> <ul> <li>- 'Plan details' includes basic administrative details, tells you what sets of questions and guidance your plan is based on and gives you an overview to the questions that you will be asked.</li> <li>- The following tab(s) present the questions to answer. There may be more than one tab if your funder or university asks different sets of questions at different stages e.g. at grant application and post-award.</li> <li>- The 'Share' tab allows you to invite others to read or contribute to your plan.</li> <li>- The 'Export' tab allows you to download your plan in various formats. This may be useful if you need to submit your plan as part of a grant application.</li> </ul> <p>When viewing any of the question tabs, you will see the different sections of your plan displayed. Click into these in turn to answer the questions. You can format your responses using the text editing buttons.</p> <p>Guidance is displayed in the right-hand panel. Click the '+' symbol to view this.</p> <p>Remember to 'save' your responses before moving on.</p> <h3>Share plans</h3> <p>Insert the email address of any collaborators you would like to invite to read or edit your plan. Set the level of permissions you would like to grant them via the drop-down options and click to 'Add collaborator'</p> <h3>Export plans</h3> <p>From here you can download your plan in various formats. This may be useful if you need to submit your plan as part of a grant application. Choose what format you would like to view/download your plan in and click to export. When you login to %{application_name} you will be directed to the 'My plans' page. From here you can edit, share, export or delete any of your plans. You will also see plans that have been shared with you by others.</p>": ["<p>Lorsque vous vous connectez à l'Assistant PGD, vous serez dirigé vers la page « Mes plans ». À partir de cette page, vous pouvez modifier, partager, exporter ou supprimer l'un ou l'autre de vos plans. Vous verrez également les plans qui ont été partagés avec vous par d'autres personnes.</p> <h3>Créer un plan</h3> <p>Pour créer un plan, cliquez sur le bouton « Créer un plan » à la page « Mes plans » ou dans le menu du haut. Faites des choix dans les listes déroulantes et les cases à cocher afin de déterminer les questions et les directives qui seront affichées. Confirmez votre choix en cliquant sur « Oui, créer un plan ».</p> <h3>Rédiger votre plan</h3> <p>L'interface à onglets vous permet de naviguer dans diverses fonctions lorsque vous mettez au point votre plan.</p> <ul> <li>- L'option « renseignements sur le plan » comprend des renseignements administratifs de base, indique la série de questions et de directives sur laquelle votre plan s'appuie et vous donne un aperçu des questions auxquelles vous devez répondre.</li> <li>- Les onglets suivants contiennent les questions auxquelles il faut répondre. Il peut y avoir plus d'un onglet si votre bailleur de fonds ou votre université pose différentes séries de questions à diverses étapes, par exemple lors d'une demande de subvention et après l'octroi d'une subvention.</li> <li>- L'onglet « Partager » vous permet d'inviter d'autres personnes à lire votre plan ou à y collaborer.</li> <li>- L'onglet « Exporter » vous permet de télécharger votre plan en divers formats, ce qui peut être utile si vous devez joindre votre plan à une demande de subvention.</li> </ul> <p>Lorsque vous consultez l'un ou l'autre des onglets de questions, vous verrez les différentes sections de votre plan affichées. Cliquez sur ces onglets à tour de rôle pour répondre aux questions. Vous pouvez choisir le format de vos réponses à l'aide des boutons de mise en forme.</p> <p>Les directives sont affichées dans la partie de droite. Cliquez sur le symbole « + » pour les consulter.</p> <p>N'oubliez pas d'enregistrer vos réponses avant de poursuivre.</p> <h3>Partager les plans</h3> <p>Inscrivez l'adresse électronique de tout collaborateur que vous aimeriez inviter à lire ou à modifier votre plan. Choisissez le niveau d'autorisation que vous souhaitez lui accorder dans les options de la liste déroulante et cliquez sur « Ajouter un collaborateur ».</p> <h3>Exporter les plans</h3> <p>En choisissant cette option, vous pouvez télécharger votre plan en divers formats, ce qui peut être utile si vous devez joindre votre plan à une demande de subvention. Choisissez le format dans lequel vous aimeriez voir ou télécharger votre plan et cliquez pour l'exporter. Lorsque vous vous connectez à l'Assistant PGD, vous êtes dirigé vers la page « Mes plans ». À partir de cette page, vous pouvez modifier, partager, exporter ou supprimer l'un ou l'autre de vos plans. Vous voyez également les plans qui ont été partagés avec vous par d'autres personnes.</p>"], "<p>You can give other people access to your plan here. There are three permission levels.<ul><li>Users with \\\"read only\\\" access can only read the plan.</li><li>Editors can contribute to the plan.</li><li>Co-owners can also contribute to the plan, but additionally can edit the plan details and control access to the plan.</li></ul></p><p>Add each collaborator in turn by entering their email address below, choosing a permission level and clicking \\\"Add collaborator\\\".</p><p>Those you invite will receive an email notification that they have access to this plan, inviting them to register with %{application_name} if they don't already have an account. A notification is also issued when a user's permission level is changed.</p>": ['<p>À ce niveau, vous pouvez donner accès à votre plan à dautres personnes. Trois niveaux dautorisation sont possibles.<ul><li>Les utilisateurs avec un droit en \\"lecture seule\\" ne pourront que consulter le plan.</li><li>Les utilisateurs avec un droit de mofification pourront y contribuer.</li><li>Les copropriétaires le peuvent aussi, mais peuvent aussi en modifier les détails et en contrôler laccès.</li></ul></p><p>Ajoutez chacun des collaborateurs en saisissant leurs courriels lun après lautre, en choisissant un niveau dautorisation et en cliquant sur  \\"Ajouter le collaborateur\\".</p><p>Ceux qui sont invités recevront un avis par courriel leur indiquant quils ont accès à ce plan, invitant ceux qui nont pas de compte dans DMPonline à senregistrer. Lutilisateur reçoit aussi un avis quand ces droits sont changés.</p>'], 'A Data Management Plan in %{application_name} has been shared with you': ['DMPonline'], 'A colleague has invited you to contribute to their Data Management Plan at ': [''], 'A pertinent ID as determined by the funder and/or institution.': ['Un identifiant approprié conforme aux prescriptions de lorganisme financeur ou de létablissement.'], 'A required setting has not been provided': ['Vous navez pas précisé un réglage obligatoire'], 'API Information': [''], 'API rights': [''], 'API token': [''], About: ['À propos...'], 'About %{application_name}': ["À propos de l'Assistant PGD"], 'Access removed': [''], Actions: ['Actions'], 'Add Annotations': [''], 'Add an appropriate name for your guidance group. This name will be used to tell the end user where the guidance has come from. It will be appended to text identifying the theme e.g. \\"[guidance group name]: guidance on data sharing\\" so we suggest you just use the institution or department name.': ['Groupe de conseils'], 'Add collaborator': ['Ajouter le collaborateur'], 'Add each collaborator in turn by entering their email address below, choosing a permission level and clicking \\"Add collaborator\\".': ['Ajouter le collaborateur'], 'Add new phase': ['Ajouter une nouvelle phase +'], 'Add note': ['Ajouter une note'], 'Add option': ['Ajoutez une option'], 'Add question': ['Ajouter une question'], 'Add section': ['Ajouter une section'], 'Additional Information': [''], 'Additional comment area will be displayed.': [''], Admin: [''], 'Admin Details': [''], 'All the best,': [''], 'Allows the user to amend the organisation details (name, URL etc) and add basic branding such as the logo': ['Organisation'], 'Allows the user to assign permissions to other users within the same organisation. Users can only assign permissions they own themselves': ['Organisation'], 'Allows the user to create and edit guidance': ['user'], 'Allows the user to create new institutional templates, edit existing ones and customise funder templates': ['templates'], 'An error has occurred while saving/resetting your export settings.': [''], Annotations: [''], Answer: ['Réponses'], 'Answer format': ['Format de réponse'], 'Answer questions': ['Répondez aux questions'], Answered: ['Réponse '], 'Answered at': ['Réponse '], 'Answered by': ['Réponse '], Answers: ['Réponses'], 'Anything you enter here will display in the answer box. If you want an answer in a certain format (e.g. tables), you can enter that style here.': ['Tout ce que vous écrivez saffiche dans la boîte de réponse. Si vous souhaitez une réponse ayant une certaine forme (par ex. : des tableaux), cest ici que vous pouvez entrer ce style.'], 'Are you sure you want to remove this note?': ['Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir retirer cette note?'], 'Are you sure you wish to delete this plan? If the plan is being shared with other users, by deleting it from your list, the plan will be deleted from their plan list as well': ["Voulez-vous vraiment effacer ce plan ? S'il est partagé avec d'autres utilisateurs, le fait de l'effacer de votre liste, l'effacera aussi de leur liste de plans."], 'Are you sure?': ['Êtes-vous sûr ?'], 'Back to edit view': ['Retour à la vue à modifier'], Background: ['Assistant PGD'], 'Bad Credentials': [''], 'Bad Parameters': [''], 'Before submitting, please consider:': [''], 'Before you get started, we need some information about your research project to set you up with the best DMP template for your needs.': ['Questions'], 'Begin typing to see a filtered list': [''], 'Below is a list of users registered for your organisation. You can sort the data by each field.': ['La liste ci-dessous indique les utilisateurs de votre organisme. Ces informations peuvent être triées par champ.'], Bottom: ['Bas'], 'By ': [''], Cancel: ['Annuler'], 'Cannot share plan with %{email} since that email matches with the owner of the plan.': ['plans'], 'Change my password': [''], 'Change organisation details': ['Organisation'], 'Check box': ['Case à cocher'], "Check this box when you are ready for guidance associated with this group to appear on user's plans.": ['plans'], "Check this box when you are ready for this guidance to appear on user's plans.": [''], 'Choose your language': [''], 'Click here': [''], 'Click here to accept the invitation': [''], 'Click here to confirm your account': [''], "Click the 'Create plan' button below to begin.": ['Create plan'], 'Click the link below to unlock your account': [''], Close: [''], 'Co-owner': ['Copropriétaire'], 'Co-owners can also contribute to the plan, but additionally can edit the plan details and control access to the plan.': ['Copropriétaire'], Collaborators: ['Collaborateurs'], Comment: ['Commentaire'], 'Contact Us': ['Communiquez avec nous'], 'Contact us': ['Communiquez avec nous'], "Copyright information: The above plan creator(s) have agreed that others may use as much of the text of this plan as they would like in their own plans, and customise it as necessary. You do not need to credit the creator(s) as the source of the language used, but using any of the plan's text does not imply that the creator(s) endorse, or have any relationship to, your project or proposal": ['plans'], 'Create Account': ['Sinscrire'], 'Create a guidance group': ['Groupe de conseils'], 'Create a new plan': ['Créer un nouveau plan'], 'Create a template': ['Créer un modèle'], 'Create account': ['Sinscrire'], 'Create an account with any email address': [''], 'Create guidance': ['Nouveaux conseils'], 'Create plan': ['Create plan'], 'Create plans': ['Create plan'], 'Created at': ['Créée à'], 'Current Password': [''], Customise: ['Personnaliser'], 'Data Contact Person': [''], Default: ['Par défaut'], 'Default answer': ['Réponse par défaut'], 'Default value': ['Valeur par défaut'], Delete: ['Effacer'], 'Delete Example Answer': ['Exemple de réponse'], 'Delete question': ['Supprimer la question'], Description: [''], Details: ['Détails'], "Didn't receive confirmation instructions?": ['Instructions de confirmation non reçues ?'], "Didn't receive unlock instructions?": ['Instructions de déverrouillage non reçues ?'], Discard: ['Rejeter'], 'Display additional comment area.': [''], Download: [''], Draft: [''], Dropdown: ['Liste déroulante'], 'E.g ORCID': ['par ex. : ORCID'], Edit: ['Modifier'], 'Edit Annotations': ['Modifier'], 'Edit User Privileges': [''], 'Edit customisation': ['Modifier la personnalisation'], 'Edit phase': ['Modifier la phase'], 'Edit plan details': ['Modifier des détails du plan'], 'Edit profile': ['Modifier le profil'], 'Edit question': ['Modifier la question'], 'Edit template details': ['Modifier les détails du modèle'], Edited: ['Modifier'], Editor: ['Modifier'], 'Editors can contribute to plans. Co-owners have additional rights to edit plan details and control access.': ['Les collaborateurs avec des droits de modification peuvent contribuer aux plans. Les copropriétaires ont en plus le droit de modifier les détails du plan et en contrôler laccès. '], 'Editors can contribute to the plan.': ['Modifier'], Email: ['Courriel'], 'Email address': ['Adresse courriel'], 'Emails must be different': ['Courriel'], 'Enter a basic description. This could be a summary of what is covered in the section or instructions on how to answer. This text will be displayed in the coloured banner once a section is opened to edit.': ['<div class=tooltip_box>Saisissez une courte description. Celle-ci peut résumer lobjet de la section ou donner des indications sur comment y répondre. Ce texte saffichera dans la bannière de couleur quand une section sera ouverte pour modification.</div>'], "Enter a basic description. This will be presented to users on the 'Admin Plan' tab, above the summary of the sections and questions which they will be asked to answer.": ['Entrez une courte description. Les utilisateurs la verront au-dessus du récapitulaif des parties et des questions auxquels ils devront répondre.'], 'Enter a description that helps you to differentiate between templates e.g. if you have ones for different audiences': ['Saisissez une description qui vous permet de distinguer un modèle de lautre, par ex. : si vous visez différents'], 'Enter a title for the phase e.g. intial DMP, full DMP... This is what users will see in the tabs when completing a plan. If you only have one phase, call it something generic e.g. Glasgow DMP': ['Saisissez une titre pour cette phase, par ex. : DMP initial, DMP complet... Ce sont ces mentions que verrons les utilisateurs dans les onglets pendant la rédaction dun plan. Si le vôtre ne comporte quune phase, donnez-lui un nom général, par ex. : DMP de Glasgow'], 'Enter a valid email.': [''], 'Enter all of the information above': [''], 'Enter all of the required information above': [''], 'Enter any options that you wish to display. If you want to pre-set one option as selected, check the default box.': ['Saisissez toutes les options que vous voulez afficher. Si vous voulez paramétrer la sélection par défaut dun élément, cochez la case correspondante.'], "Enter specific guidance to accompany this question. If you have guidance by themes too, this will be pulled in based on your selections below so it's best not to duplicate too much text.": ['Saisissez des instructions spécifiques pour accompagner cette question. Si vous avez des conseils par thèmes aussi : ceux-ci vont être aiguillés ici selon ce que sélectionnez ci-dessous, aussi mieux vaut éviter de dupliquer trop dextraits.'], 'Enter your email and password.': [''], 'Enter your guidance here. You can include links where needed.': ['Entrez ici vos conseils. Vous pouvez ajouter des liens là où il faut.'], 'Error processing registration. Please check that you have entered a valid email address and that your chosen password is at least 8 characters long.': [''], 'Example Answer': ['Exemple de réponse'], 'Example of answer': ['Exemple de réponse'], Explore: ['Exporter'], Export: ['Exporter'], 'Export settings updated successfully.': ['Exporter'], Face: ['Police'], 'File Name': ['Titre du plan'], 'Fill in the required fields': [''], 'Filter guidance': ['Nouveaux conseils'], 'Filter plans': ['Filtrer les plans'], 'Filter users': ['Filtrer les plans'], 'First Name': ['Prénom'], "First create a guidance group. This could be institution wide or a subset e.g. a particular College / School, Institute or department. When you create guidance you'll be asked to assign it to a guidance group.": ['<p>Commencez par créer un groupe de conseils. Celui-ci peut désigner un établissement dans son ensemble, ou un sous-ensemble : une faculté, un institut, un département. Quand vous créerez des conseils, on vous demandera de les affecter à un groupe de conseils.</p>'], Font: [''], 'Forgot password?': [''], 'Forgot your password?': [''], Format: [''], 'From here you can  download your plan in various formats. This may be useful if you need to submit your plan as part of a grant application.': ['plans'], Funder: ['Funder'], 'Funders templates': ['Modèles des bailleurs de subventions'], 'Funding bodies increasingly require their grant-holders to produce Data Management Plans(DMP), both during the bid-preparation stage and after funding has been secured. %{application_name} has been produced by the %{organisation_name} to help research teams respond to this requirement, and any expectations that their institution or others may apply.': ['DMPonline'], 'Future plans': [''], 'Get involved': [''], 'Getting Started': [''], GitHub: [''], Go: [''], 'Grant Number': ['Titre de la subvention'], 'Grant number': ['Titre de la subvention'], 'Grant permissions': [''], 'Grant reference number if applicable [POST-AWARD DMPs ONLY]': ['N° de réféence de la subvention, le cas échéant (UNIQUEMENT POUR LES DMP CRÉÉS APRÈS OCTROI DUNE SUBVENTION)'], Guidance: ['Conseils'], 'Guidance group': ['Groupe de conseils'], 'Guidance group list': ['Liste des groupes de conseils'], 'Guidance list': ['Liste de conseils'], Hello: [''], 'Hello ': [''], Help: ['Aide'], 'Here you can view previously published versions of your template.  These can no longer be modified.': ['templates'], 'Hide list': [''], History: [''], Home: ['Accueil'], 'How many plans?': ['Nombre de plans?'], 'How the tool works': [''], 'How to use the API': [''], 'I accept the': [''], ID: ['Identifiant'], 'If applying for funding, state the name exactly as in the grant proposal.': ['En cas de demande de financement, indiquer le nom exactement comme dans la demande de subvention.'], 'If applying for funding, state the project title exactly as in the proposal.': ['En cas de demande de financement, indiquer le nom exactement comme dans la demande de subvention.'], "If the guidance is only meant for a subset of users e.g. those in a specific college or institute, check this box.  Users will be able to select to display this subset guidance when answering questions in the 'create plan' wizard.": ['Si les conseils ne sont destinés quà un sous-ensemble dutilisateurs (par ex. : faisant partie dune faculté ou dun institut), cochez cette case.  Les utilisateurs pourront sélectionner ce sous-groupe de conseils lorquils répondront aux questions dans lassistant de création de plan.'], 'If you are entering an URL try to use something like to make it smaller.': [''], "If you didn't request this, please ignore this email.": [''], 'If you do have a need to provide guidance for specific funders that would not be useful to a wider audience (e.g. if you have specific instructions for applicants to BBSRC for example), you can do so by adding guidance to a specific question when you edit your template.': ['Question'], 'If you do not have a %{application_name} account, click on': ['DMPonline'], "If you don't want to accept the invitation, please ignore this email.": [''], 'If you have an account please sign in and start creating or editing your DMP.': [''], "If you wish to add an institutional template for a Data Management Plan, use the 'create template' button. You can create more than one template if desired e.g. one for researchers and one for PhD students.": ['templates'], 'If you would like to change your password please complete the following fields.': [''], 'Included Elements': ['Éléments inclus'], Institution: ['Institution'], 'Institution not a %{application_name} partner?': ['DMPonline'], 'Institution: anyone at my institution can view.': ['Institution'], 'Invalid Email': ['Courriel'], 'Invalid font face': ['Police non valide'], 'Invalid font size': ['Taille de police non valide'], 'Invalid maximum pages': ['Nombre de pages maxi non valide'], 'Invitation to %{email} issued successfully.': [''], 'It does not look like you have setup an account with us yet. Please fill in the following information to complete your registration.': [''], Language: [''], 'Last Name': ['Nom'], 'Last logged in': ['Dernière connexion'], 'Last updated': ['Dernière m.à j.'], 'Latest news': ['Modèle de plan de gestion des données Portage'], Left: ['Gauche'], 'Limited to finished plans': ['plans'], 'List of users': ['Liste des utilisateurs'], Logout: [''], 'Look up your institution here': [''], 'Make a copy': [''], 'Many thanks,': [''], Margin: ['Marge'], 'Margin cannot be negative': ['Une marge ne peut être négative'], 'Margin value is invalid': ['Valeur de marge non valide'], Message: ['Moi'], 'Modify guidance': ['Ajoutez des conseils'], 'Modify templates': ['templates'], 'More information: Answer format': ['Format de réponse'], 'More information: Answer formats': ['Format de réponse'], 'More information: Default answer': ['Réponse par défaut'], 'More information: Example answers': [''], 'More information: Guidance': ['Conseils'], 'More information: Guidance group names': ['Groupe de conseils'], 'More information: Optional subsets for guidance groups': ['Sous-ensemble facultatif'], 'More information: Phase descriptions': [''], 'More information: Question options': ['Question'], 'More information: Section descriptions': ['Section'], 'More information: Template descriptions': ['Template'], 'More information: Themes': ['Thèmes'], 'Multi select box': ['Boîte de sélections multiples'], 'My Dashboard': [''], 'My Plan': ['Mon plan'], "My organisation isn't listed.": ['Mon établissement nest pas listé.'], 'My research organisation is not on the list': ['Organisation'], Name: ['Prénom'], 'Name (if different to above), telephone and email contact details': ['Nom (sil diffère du précédent), coordonnées courriel et téléphone'], 'Name and abbreviation are required': ['Prénom'], 'Name of Principal Investigator(s) or main researcher(s) on the project.': ['Nom du ou des directeurs de recherche ou du ou des principaux chercheurs du projet.'], 'New Password': [''], 'New guidance': ['Nouveaux conseils'], 'New section title': ['Le nouveau titre de section'], 'New template': ['Nouveau modèle'], No: [''], 'No additional comment area will be displayed.': [''], 'No funder associated with this plan': ['plans'], 'No institutions are currently registered.': [''], 'No items available.': [''], None: ['Aucun'], 'Not Applicable': [''], 'Not answered yet': ['Pas encore de réponse'], Note: ['Note'], 'Note removed by': ['Note retirée par'], 'Note removed by you': ['Note retirée par vous'], 'Noted by:': ['Note par :'], Notes: ['Note'], 'Notice:': ['Note'], 'Notification Preferences': [''], Ok: [''], 'On %{application_name}': ["Concernant l'Assistant PGD"], 'On data management planning': ['Concernant la planification de la gestion des données'], 'Optional Subset': ['Sous-ensemble facultatif'], 'Optional subset': ['Sous-ensemble facultatif'], Order: ['Ordre'], 'Order of display': ['Ordre daffichage'], Organisation: ['Organisation'], 'Organisation Name': ['Nom de lorganisme'], 'Organisation details': ['Détails sur lorganisme'], 'Organisational (visibile to others within your organisation)': ["Avec d'autres membres de votre organisation"], 'Original funder template has changed!': ['templates'], 'Own templates': ['Modèles propres'], Owner: ['Propriétaire'], PDF: [''], 'PDF Formatting': ['Mise en forme PDF'], Password: [''], 'Password Confirmation': [''], 'Password and comfirmation must match': [''], 'Passwords must have at least 8 characters': [''], 'Passwords must match': [''], Permissions: ['Permissions'], 'Personal Details': ['Détails'], 'Phase details': ['Détails de la phase'], 'Plan Data Contact': ['Interlocuteur pour les données du plan'], 'Plan Description': ['Description'], 'Plan Guidance Configuration': ['Conseils'], 'Plan ID': ['Identifiant du projet'], 'Plan Name': ['Nom du projet'], 'Plan Visibility': ['Visibilité'], 'Plan data contact': ['Interlocuteur pour les données du plan'], 'Plan details': ['Détails du plan'], 'Plan is already shared with %{email}.': [''], 'Plan name': ['Nom du plan'], 'Plan shared with %{email}.': [''], 'Please choose an institution': [''], 'Please enter a First name.': ['Entrez votre prénom, svp.'], 'Please enter a Last name.': ['Entrez votre prénom, svp.'], 'Please enter a password confirmation': [''], 'Please enter a title for your template.': ['Merci de saisir un titre pour votre modèle.'], 'Please enter an email address': [''], 'Please enter an email address.': ['Formation à la rédaction de documents scientifiques en anglais une adresse web valide.'], 'Please enter the name of your organisation.': ['Veuillez saisir le nom de votre organisme..'], 'Please enter your current password': [''], 'Please enter your current password below when changing your email address.': [''], 'Please enter your email below and we will send you instructions on how to reset your password.': [''], 'Please enter your password to change email address.': [''], "Please fill in the basic project details below and click 'Update' to save": ["Veuillez renseigner les premiers détails ci-après et cliquez sur 'Mettre à jour' pour enregistrer"], 'Please note that your email address is used as your username.\\n      If you change this, remember to use your new email address on sign in.': ['<p>À noter que votre courriel est à utiliser comme nom dutilisateur. Si vous modifiez ces informations, rappelez-vous dutiliser votre courriel en vous connectant.</p>'], 'Please only enter up to 165 characters, you have used': [''], 'Please select a valid funding organisation from the list': ['Organisation'], 'Please select a valid research organisation from the list': ['Organisation'], 'Please select an organisation, or select Other.': ['Organisation'], 'Please select one': [''], 'Please visit the': [''], Preview: ['Aperçu'], 'Principal Investigator': [''], 'Principal Investigator / Researcher': ['Directeur de recherche / chercheur'], 'Principal Investigator/Researcher': ['Directeur de recherche/Chercheur'], 'Principal Investigator/Researcher ID': ['Identifiant du directeur de recherche/chercheur'], Private: ['Privé'], 'Private (owners, co-owners, and administrators only) See our Terms of Use.': ["Privé (propriétaires, copropriétaires et administrateurs uniquement) Consultez nos Conditions d'utilisation."], 'Private: restricted to me and people I invite.': ['Privé'], Privileges: [''], 'Project Abstract': [''], 'Project Details': ['Détails'], 'Project Title': ['Titre'], 'Provides the user with an API token and grants rights to harvest information from the tool': ['user'], 'Public (Your DMP will appear on the Public DMPs page of this site)': ['Publiquement sur le web. Votre DMP apparaîtra sur la page Public DMPs de ce site.'], 'Public DMPs': ['DMP publics'], 'Public DMPs are plans created using the %{application_name} and shared publicly by their owners. They are not vetted for quality, completeness, or adherence to funder guidelines.': ["Les DMP publics sont des plans créés à l'aide de DMPTool et partagés publiquement par leurs propriétaires. Ils ne sont pas vérifiés pour la qualité, l'exhaustivité ou l'adhésion aux lignes directrices des bailleurs de fonds."], 'Public: anyone can view.': ['Public'], Publish: [''], 'Publish changes': [''], Published: ['Publiée'], Question: ['Question'], 'Question not answered': ['Question sans réponse.'], 'Question not answered.': ['Question sans réponse.'], 'Question number': ['Numéro de la question'], 'Question text': ['Texte de la question'], 'Question text is empty, please enter your question.': [''], Questions: ['Questions'], 'Radio buttons': ['Boutons radio'], 'Read more on the ': [''], 'Read only': ['Lecture seule'], 'Recovery Email': ['Courriel'], Releases: [''], 'Remember email': ['Se souvenir de moi'], Remove: ['Retirer'], 'Remove logo': ['Retirer'], 'Remove the filter': ['Retirer'], 'Remove user access': ['Retirer laccès utilisateur'], 'Removing ...': [''], Reset: ['Réinitialiser'], Right: ['Droite'], Role: ['Rôle'], Save: ['Enregistrer'], 'Save Unsuccessful.': ['Enregistrer'], 'Saving ...': ['Enregistrement en cours...'], 'Saving...': ['Enregistrement en cours...'], 'Screencast on how to use %{application_name}': ['Vidéo en ligne sur lutilisation de DMPonline'], Section: ['Section'], 'Section details': ['Section'], Sections: ['Sections'], 'Security check': [''], 'See the full list of participating institutions': [''], 'See the full list of partner institutions': [''], 'Select a template': ['templates'], 'Select an institution.': [''], 'Select the primary funding organisation': ['Organisation'], 'Select the primary research organisation': ['Organisation'], 'Select up to 3 organisations to see their guidance.': ['Organisation'], 'Select which group this guidance relates to.': ['Sélectionnez le groupe auxquel ces conseils sont liés.'], 'Select which theme(s) this guidance relates to.': ['Sélectionnez le ou les thèmes liés à ces conseils.'], 'Selected option(s)': [''], Send: [''], Share: ['Partager'], 'Share note with collaborators': ['Partager la note avec des collaborateurs'], 'Should this guidance apply:': ['Si ces conseils sappliquent :'], 'Show password': [''], 'Show passwords': [''], 'Sign In': ['Connexion'], 'Sign in': ['Connexion'], 'Sign in with': ['Connexion'], 'Sign up': ['Déconnexion'], 'Signed in as': ['Connecté en tant que '], Size: ['Taille'], 'Someone has requested a link to change your ': [''], Status: [''], Subject: [''], 'Successfully signed in': [''], 'Successfully unlinked your account from %{is}.': [''], 'Suggested answer': ['Suggestion de réponse'], 'Suggested answer/ Example': ['Suggestion/exemple de réponse'], Template: ['Template'], 'Template History': [''], 'Template details': ['Détails du modèle'], Templates: ['Modèles'], 'Terms of use': ["Exploitation sous licence et conditions d'utilisation"], Test: ['Texte'], 'Test/Practice (your plan is not visible to other users) See our Terms of Use.': ["Test / Practice (votre plan n'est pas visible aux autres utilisateurs) Voir nos Conditions d'utilisation."], Text: ['Texte'], 'Text area': ['Zone de texte'], 'Text field': ['Champ textuel'], 'Thank you for registering. Please confirm your email address': [''], 'That email address is already registered.': [''], 'That template is not currently published.': ['templates'], 'The ': [''], 'The %{organisation_abbreviation} worked closely with research funders and universities to produce a tool that assists researchers to produce an effective data management plan (DMP) to cater for the whole lifecycle of a project, from bid-preparation stage through to completion.': ['Organisation'], 'The email address you entered is not registered.': [''], 'The following answer cannot be saved': [''], 'The plan is no longer a test.': ['plans'], 'The plan is now a test.': ['plans'], 'The table below lists the plans that you have created, and any that have been shared with you by others.': ['plans'], Themes: ['Thèmes'], 'There are a number of templates within the tool that represent the requirements of different funders and institutions. Users are asked three questions at the outset so we can determine the appropriate template to display (e.g. the ESRC template when applying for an ESRC grant). Guidance is provided to help you interpret and answer the questions. This guidance is provided by researcher funders, universities and disciplines.': [' par '], 'There are currently no public DMPs.': ["Aucun DMP n'a été rendu public."], 'There seems to be a problem with your logo. Please upload it again.': [''], 'These can be edited, shared, exported or deleted at anytime.': [''], 'This allows you to order questions within a section.': ['Cette fonction vous permet de classer les questions dans une section.'], 'This allows you to order sections.': ['Cette fonction vous permet de classer des sections.'], 'This allows you to order the phases of your template.': ['Cette fonction vous permet de classer les phases de votre modèle.'], 'This document was generated by %{application_name}': ['%{application_name}'], 'This email will be used to recover your account if you change institutions': [''], 'This is a': [''], 'This page gives you an overview of your plan. It tells what your plan is based on and gives an overview of the questions that you will be asked.': ["Cette page vous donne un aperçu de votre plan. Elle indique de quoi il s'inspire et donne une idée générale des questions auxquelles vous devrez répondre."], 'This plan is based on the default template.': ['templates'], 'This plan is based on:': ['Ce plan sinspire de :'], 'This template is new and does not yet have any publication history.': ['templates'], "This will remove your organisation's logo": ['Organisation'], "Those you invite will receive an email notification that they have access to this plan, inviting them to register with %{application_name} if they don't already have an account. A notification is also issued when a user's permission level is changed.": ['DMPonline'], Title: ['Titre'], 'To help you write your plan, %{application_name} can show you guidance from a variety of organisations.': ['DMPonline'], Top: ['Haut'], 'Top banner text': ['Texte de la bannière en haut décran'], 'Transfer customisation': [''], 'Un-published': ['Publiée'], "Unable to change the plan's Test status": ['plans'], 'Unable to download the DMP at this time.': [''], 'Unable to link your account to %{scheme}.': [''], 'Unable to unlink your account from %{is}.': [''], Unknown: [''], 'Unknown column name.': ['Nom de colonne inconnu.'], 'Unknown formatting setting': ['Réglage de mise en forme'], "Unknown margin. Can only be 'top', 'bottom', 'left' or 'right'": ['Marge inconnue. Seules marges possibles : Haut, Bas, Gauche et Droite'], 'Unlink account': [''], 'Unlock my account': [''], Unpublish: [''], Unpublished: ['Publiée'], 'Unpublished changes': [''], 'Unsaved answers': ['réponses non sauvegardées'], 'Unsaved changes': ['Modification non enregistrée'], Users: ['Utilisateurs'], 'Users with \\"read only\\" access can only read the plan.': ['Utilisateurs'], 'Using the generic Data Management Plan': [''], Version: ['Version'], View: ['Visualiser'], 'View all templates': ['Voir tous les modèles'], 'View phase': ['Voir la phase'], Visibility: ['Visibilité'], 'We are constantly improving the user interface and functionality of %{application_name}. If you would like to contribute with feedback and suggestions, please contact us by emailing': ['DMPonline'], 'We found multiple DMP templates corresponding to the funder.': ['templates'], 'We found multiple DMP templates corresponding to the research organisation.': ['Organisation'], 'We found multiple DMP templates corresponding to your funder.': ['templates'], 'We were unable to verify your account. Please use the following form to create a new account. You will be able to link your new account afterward.': [''], 'We will only use this address to recover your account if you change institutions': [''], 'Welcome to ': ['Bienvenue !'], 'Welcome to %{application_name}': [''], 'Welcome.': ['Bienvenue !'], 'What research project are you planning?': ['plans'], 'When you create a new phase for your template, a version will automatically be created. Once you complete the form below you will be provided with options to create sections and questions.': ['Quand vous créez une nouvelle phase dans votre modèle, une version sera créée automatiquement. Quand vous remplirez la grille ci-dessous, le système affichera des options pour créer des sections et des questions.'], 'Which DMP template would you like to use?': ['templates'], 'Would you like to save them now?': ['Voulez-vous faire la sauvegarde maintenant?'], 'Write Plan': ['plans'], Yes: [''], "You are about to delete '%{guidance_group_name}'. This will affect guidance. Are you sure?": ['You are about to delete %{guidance_group_name}. This will affect guidance. Are you sure?'], "You are about to delete '%{guidance_summary}'. Are you sure?": ['Vous allez effacer %{guidance_summary}. En êtes-vous sûr?'], "You are about to delete '%{phase_title}'. This will affect versions, sections and questions linked to this phase. Are you sure?": ['Vous allez supprimer %{phase_title}. Cette opération affectera les versions, sections et questions liées à cette phase. En êtes-vous sûr?'], "You are about to delete '%{question_text}'. Are you sure?": ['Vous allez supprimer la question : %{question_text}. En êtes-vous sûr?'], "You are about to delete '%{section_title}'. This will affect questions linked to this section. Are you sure?": ['Vous allez supprimer %{section_title}. Cette opération affectera les questions liées à cette phase. En êtes-vous sûr?'], "You are about to delete a guidance for '%{question_text}'. Are you sure?": ['Vous allez supprimer la suggestion/lexemple de réponse à la questioo : %{question_text}. En êtes-vous sûr ?'], "You are about to delete a suggested answer/ example for '%{question_text}'. Are you sure?": ['Vous allez supprimer la suggestion/lexemple de réponse à la questioo : %{question_text}. En êtes-vous sûr ?'], "You are about to delete an example answer for '%{question_text}'. Are you sure?": ['Vous allez supprimer la suggestion/lexemple de réponse à la questioo : %{question_text}. En êtes-vous sûr ?'], 'You are about to unlink %{application_name} of your institutional credentials, would you like to continue?': ['DMPonline'], 'You are not authorized to perform this action.': [''], 'You are now ready to create your first DMP.': [''], 'You are viewing a historical version of this template. You will not be able to make changes.': ['templates'], 'You can add an example answer to help users respond. These will be presented above the answer box and can be copied/ pasted.': ['Vous pouvez ajouter un exemple ou une suggestion de réponse pour aider les utilisateurs. Ils safficheront au-dessus de la grille de réponse et on peut les copier/coller.'], 'You can add an example or suggested answer to help users respond. These will be presented above the answer box and can be copied/ pasted.': ['Vous pouvez ajouter un exemple ou une suggestion de réponse pour aider les utilisateurs. Ils safficheront au-dessus de la grille de réponse et on peut les copier/coller.'], 'You can also report bugs and request new features directly on': [''], 'You can choose from:<ul><li>- text area (large box for paragraphs);</li> <li>- text field (for a short answer);</li> <li>- checkboxes where options are presented in a list and multiple values can be selected;</li> <li>- radio buttons where options are presented in a list but only one can be selected;</li> <li>- dropdown like this box - only one option can be selected;</li> <li>- multiple select box allows users to select several options from a scrollable list, using the CTRL key;</li></ul>': ['Vos choix possibles :<ul><li>- une zone de texte (un grand cadre pour les paragraphes);</li> <li>- un champ de texte (pour une réponse courte);</li> <li>- les cases à cocher se présentent en une liste où plusieurs choix peuvent être sélectionnés;</li> <li>- les boutons radio buttons se présentent en une liste où un seul choix est possible;</li> <li>- la liste déroulante comme cet encadré, où une seule sélection est possible;</li> <li>- un cadre à choix multiples permet à lutilisateur de faire plusieurs sélections dans une liste, avec la touche CTRL;</li></ul>'], 'You can edit any of the details below.': ['Vous pouvez modifiez les informations ci-dessous.'], 'You can give other people access to your plan here. There are three permission levels.': ['plans'], 'You can not continue until you have filled in all of the required information.': [''], 'You can not edit a historical version of this template.': ['templates'], 'You can not publish a historical version of this template.': ['templates'], 'You can write pieces of guidance to be displayed by theme (e.g. generic guidance on storage and backup that should present across the board). Writing generic guidance by theme saves you time and effort as your advice will be automatically displayed across all templates rather than having to write guidance to accompany each.': ['templates'], 'You cannot delete historical versions of this template.': ['templates'], 'You have altered answers but have not saved them:': ['Vous avez changé des réponses sans les sauvegarder:'], 'You have been given ': [''], 'You have been granted permission by your organisation to use our API. Your API token and instructions for using the API endpoints can be found ': ['Organisation'], 'You have un-published changes': [''], 'You must accept the terms and conditions to register.': [''], 'You need to sign in or sign up before continuing.': [''], 'You now have ': [''], Your: [''], 'Your Institution': ['Institution'], 'Your ORCID': ['Votre ORCID'], 'Your access to ': [''], 'Your account has been successfully linked to %{scheme}.': [''], "Your account won't be created until you access the link above and set your password.": [''], 'Your browser does not support the video tag.': ['La balise <video> nest pas reconnue par votre navigateur.'], 'Your institution does not seem to be properly configured.': [''], 'Your permissions relating to ': [''], 'Your template has been published and is now available to users.': ['templates'], 'Your template is no longer published. Users will not be able to create new DMPs for this template until you re-publish it': ['templates'], "Your template will be presented to users within your institution when no funder templates apply. If you want to add questions to funder templates use the 'customise template' options below.": ['Question'], 'a day': [''], 'about %d hours': [''], 'about a minute': [''], 'about a month': [''], 'about a year': [''], 'about an hour': [''], 'account has been locked due to an excessive number of unsuccessful sign in attempts.': [''], 'activerecord.errors.messages.record_invalid': [''], 'activerecord.errors.models.user.attributes.current_password.invalid': ['user'], '': ['user'], 'activerecord.errors.models.user.attributes.password.blank': ['user'], 'activerecord.errors.models.user.attributes.password_confirmation.confirmation': ['user'], 'add guidance text': [''], ago: [''], 'by ': [' par '], "can't be blank": [''], "can't be larger than 500KB": [''], "can't be less than zero": [''], comment: ['Commentaire'], copied: [''], created: ['Créé'], deleted: ['Effacer'], 'e.g. School/ Department': ['par ex. : Faculté/Département'], 'example answer': ['Exemple de réponse'], 'from now': [''], guidance: [''], 'guidance choices': ['Conseils'], 'guidance group': ['Groupe de conseils'], 'guidance on': [''], 'height must be less than 165px': [''], 'helpers.is_test': [''], 'helpers.links.cancel': [''], 'helpers.project.is_test_help_text': [''], information: [''], inquiry: [''], 'into your browser': [''], 'less than a minute': [''], 'mock project for testing, practice, or educational purposes': [''], 'must be logged in': ['Dernière connexion'], 'must be one of the following formats: jpeg, jpg, png, gif, bmp': [''], 'must be unique': [''], 'must have access to guidances api': ['guidances'], 'must have access to plans api': ['guidances'], 'no research organisation is associated with this plan': ['Organisation'], note: ['Note'], 'on the homepage.': [''], or: [''], 'or copy': [''], organisation: ['Organisation'], 'page for guidance.': [''], password: [''], permissions: ['Permissions'], phase: ['Phase'], plan: ['plans'], preferences: [''], profile: [''], question: ['Question'], 'questions answered': ['questions avec réponses'], removed: ['Retirer'], role: ['Rôle'], saved: ['Enregistrer'], section: ['Section'], 'select a guidance group': [''], 'select at least one theme': [''], 'sharing details': ['Détails de la phase'], 'since %{name} saved the answer below while you were editing. Please, combine your changes and then save the answer again.': [''], template: ['templates'], 'terms and conditions': [''], 'test plan': ['plans'], user: ['user'], 'user must be in your organisation': ['Organisation'] } } };