dmpopidor / app / views / dmptemplates / _show_phases_sections.html.erb
@Marta Ribeiro Marta Ribeiro on 3 Jun 2016 2 KB DMPonline4 - RAILS 4.0 (#4)
<!-- Display of phases, sections and it's questions. A phase is passed as an argument-->

<div class="div_clear"></div>
<div class="div_left admin_left_smaller">
	<p><%= raw phase.description %></p>

<% if phase.versions.any? then %>
    <% version = phase.versions.where("published = ?", true).first %>
    <% if version.nil? then%>
        <% version = phase.versions.order("updated_at DESC").first %>
    <div class="div_right admin_right_bigger">
        <!--delete a phase button. only displays when template not published-->
        <%if phase.has_sections == true then %>
            <%= link_to t("helpers.preview"), admin_previewphase_dmptemplate_path(version), :class => 'btn btn-primary'%>
        <% if phase.latest_published_version == nil then%>
            <%= link_to t("helpers.submit.delete"), admin_destroyphase_dmptemplate_path(:phase_id =>,
            :confirm => t("org_admin.templates.phase_delete_message", :phase_title => phase.title ), :method => :delete, :class => "btn btn-primary"%>
        <%if phase.dmptemplate.org_type == t("helpers.org_type.funder") && current_user.org_type != t("helpers.org_type.funder") then%>
            <% b_label = t('org_admin.templates.view_phase_label')%>
        <%else %>
            <% b_label = t('org_admin.templates.edit_phase_label')%>
        <%= link_to b_label, admin_phase_dmptemplate_path(phase), :class => "btn btn-primary" %>
    <% if version.sections.any? then %>
		<table class="dmp_table">
			      	<th class="dmp_th_medium"><%= t('helpers.sections_label')%></th>
			      	<th class="dmp_th_big"><%= t('helpers.questions_label')%></th>
				<% version.sections.order("number ASC").each do |section| %>
					<%if (section.organisation_id == phase.dmptemplate.organisation_id ) || ( section.organisation_id == current_user.organisation_id) then%>
						<tr >
							<th class="dmp_th_border" >
								<p><%= section.title %></p>
							<td class="dmp_td_border" >	
								<% if section.questions.any? %>
									<% questions = section.questions.order("number ASC") %>
									<ul class="question_ul">
										<% questions.each do |ques|%>
												- <%= ques.text %>

<div class="div_clear"></div>