dmpopidor / app / views / dmptemplates / admin_template.html.erb
@Marta Ribeiro Marta Ribeiro on 3 Jun 2016 2 KB DMPonline4 - RAILS 4.0 (#4)
<%= stylesheet_link_tag "admin" %>
<% javascript 'admin.js' %>

	<%= @dmptemplate.title %>
	<!-- link button to add new guidance -->
	<div class="move_2_right">
		<%= link_to t("org_admin.templates.view_all_templates"),
		            :class => 'btn btn-primary' %>

<div class="div_clear"></div>

<!-- render navigation tabs for the template-->
<%= render :partial => "admin_nav_tabs", locals: {dmptemplate: @dmptemplate, active: "show_template"} %>

<!-- body -->
<div class="dmp_details_body">
	<div class="dmp_details">
		<% if @dmptemplate.org_type != t("helpers.org_type.funder") || current_user.org_type == t("helpers.org_type.funder") then %>
			<div id="edit_template_div" style="display: none">
				<%= render :partial => "edit_template", locals: {dmptemplate: @dmptemplate}%>	
		<div id="show_template_div">
			<%= render :partial => "show_template", locals: {dmptemplate: @dmptemplate}%>	
	<!-- If template has phases-->
	<% if !@dmptemplate.phases.nil? then %>
		<% if @dmptemplate.phases.count == 1 then %>
			<% @dmptemplate.phases.each do |phase| %>
				<!--render the display block with the phase, sections and questions information-->
				<%= render :partial => 'show_phases_sections', locals: {phase: phase}%>
			<% @dmptemplate.phases.order(:number).each do |phase| %>
				<div class="accordion" id="project-accordion">
					<div class="accordion-group">
						<div class="accordion-heading">
							<a class="accordion-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#project-accordion" href="#<%= %>">
								<h3><%= phase.title %><span class="plus-laranja"> </span>
						<div id="<%= %>" class="accordion-project collapse">
							<div class="accordion-inner">
								<!--render the display block with the phase, sections and questions information-->
								<%= render :partial => 'show_phases_sections', locals: {phase: phase}%>

<%= tinymce :content_css => asset_path('application.css') %>