dmpopidor / app / views / projects / index.html.erb
@Marta Ribeiro Marta Ribeiro on 3 Jun 2016 1 KB DMPonline4 - RAILS 4.0 (#4)
<%- model_class = Project -%>
<% javascript "toolbar.js" %>
	<%= t("helpers.project.projects_title") %>

<!-- if the user has projects -->
<% if @has_projects %>

		<%= raw t("helpers.project.project_text_when_project")%>
	<%= render(partial: "toolbar") %>
	<table id="dmp_table" class="dmp_table tablesorter">
	    <%= render(partial: "project_list_head") %>
	    <% if @projects.any? %>
	      <% @projects.each do |project| %>
	        <%= render(partial: "project_list_item", locals: { project: project } ) %>
	      <% end %>
	    <% else %>
	      <tr><td colspan="<%= @selected_columns.length -%>"><%= t("helpers.project.filter.no_matches", filter: params[:filter]) %><td></tr>
	    <% end %>
<!-- if the user does not have projects -->
<% else %>
		<%= raw t("helpers.project.project_text_when_no_project")%>

<% end %>

<!-- link button to create a new project -->
	<%= link_to t(".new", :default => t("helpers.project.create")),
            :class => "btn btn-primary" %>