@stephaniesimms stephaniesimms authored on 7 Oct 2016
GitHub committed on 7 Oct 2016
app fixed issue where orgs cannot customise other org's(funders) templates. logic for this auth limiting dosent make me happy as it potentially allows organisations to submit edited json via post and change the other organisations existing sections, even if that option is not available through the ui 8 years ago
bin Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
config final updates to routes 8 years ago
db Merged branding changes from the development branch into the master branch that now contains DCC's changes to permissions/roles, internationalization and bug fixes 8 years ago
doc Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
html implimenting auth changes in the views 8 years ago
lib Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
log DMPonline4 - RAILS 4.0 (#4) 8 years ago
public Merged branding changes from the development branch into the master branch that now contains DCC's changes to permissions/roles, internationalization and bug fixes 8 years ago
test Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
.gitignore Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
.travis.yml merged DCC changes into master 8 years ago
Gemfile merged DCC changes into master 8 years ago
Gemfile.lock forced auth on organisations_controller. TODO: re-check parent, children, and templates after AJAX removed 8 years ago
LICENSE.md Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
README.md update ReadMe.md 7 years ago
README.rdoc Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
Rakefile Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
config.ru Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago

DMP Roadmap

DMP Roadmap is a Data Management Planning tool. Management and development of DMP Roadmap is jointly provided by the Digital Curation Centre (DCC), http://www.dcc.ac.uk/, and the University of California Curation Center (UC3), http://www.cdlib.org/services/uc3/

The tool has four main functions:

  1. To help create and maintain different versions of Data Management Plans;
  2. To provide useful guidance on data management issues and how to meet research funders' requirements;
  3. To export attractive and useful plans in a variety of formats;
  4. To allow collaborative work when creating Data Management Plans.

Current Release

v.0.1.0 Build Status



Roadmap is a Ruby on Rails application and you will need to have:

  1. Ruby >= 2.0.0p247
  2. Rails >= 4.0
  3. MySql >= 5.0

Further details on how to install Ruby on Rails applications are available from the Ruby on Rails site: http://rubyonrails.org

Further details on how to install MySQL and create your first user and database. Be sure to follow the instructions for your particular environment.

You may also find the following resources handy:


  • Create your mysql db. Select UTF-8 Unicode (utf8mb4) encoding.
  • Fork the repository and then clone it onto your server
> git clone https://github.com/[your organization]/roadmap.git

> cd roadmap
  • Make copies of the yaml configuration files and update the values for your installation
> cp config/database_example.yml config/database.yml
> cp config/secrets_example.yml config/secrets.yml
  • Create an environment variable for your instance's secret (as defined in config/secrets.yml). You should use the following command to generate secrets for each of your environments, storing the production one in the environment variable:
> rake secret
  • Run bundler and perform the DB migrations
> gem install bundler (if bundler is not yet installed)

> bundle install

> rake db:migrate

> rake db:seed
  • Setup the devise authentication gem
> rails generate devise:install     (Is this really necessary?)
  • Start the application
> rails server
  • Verify that the site is running properly by going to http://localhost:3000
  • Login as the default administrator: 'super_admin@example.com' - 'password1'


Installation - OSX:
An error occurred while installing libv8 (, and Bundler cannot continue.

Make sure that `gem install libv8 -v ''` succeeds before bundling.

If you are installing on a system that already has v8 installed then you may need to install the libv8 gem manually using your system's current v8 engine. If you're using homebrew to manage your packages you should run 'brew update' and 'brew upgrade' to make sure you have the latest packages

> gem uninstall -a libv8

> gem install libv8 -v '<<VERSION>>' -- --with-system-v8

> bundle install


Issues should be reported here on Github Issues Please be advised though that we can only provide limited support for your local installations.

Become a contributor

Fork this repository and make your modifications in a new branch. Then create a pull request to our 'development' branch. We will reject any pull request made against the 'master' branch. Once your pull request has been submitted the team will review your request and accept it if appropriate.

Join the developer email listserv at www.jiscmail.ac.uk/DMPONLINE-DEV


The DMP Roadmap project uses the MIT License.