dmpopidor / db / migrate /
@xsrust xsrust authored on 13 Dec 2016
20130603140800_create_phases.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130603143109_create_versions.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130611111340_create_user_types.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130611111359_create_user_statuses.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130611113325_create_organisation_types.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130611132258_create_user_role_types.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130611133033_create_questions.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130611135155_create_answers.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130611135806_create_users.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130611140229_create_pages.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130611141026_create_projects.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130611151644_create_plans.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130611151704_create_plan_sections.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130611151729_create_project_groups.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130611151750_create_project_partners.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130611152208_create_user_org_roles.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130611153828_create_dmptemplates.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130611153921_create_sections.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130611154055_create_file_uploads.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130611154109_create_file_types.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130612113321_create_organisations.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130612133806_create_themes.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130612133938_create_guidances.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130621101824_fix_column_names.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130625125419_fix_question_theme_relation.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130705113828_add_locale_to_themes.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130705145146_update_type_column_in_questions.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130705151214_add_locale_to_templates.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130708092900_devise_create_admin_users.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130717093801_add_slug_to_projects.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130717093814_add_slug_to_phases.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130717115239_add_slug_to_plans.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130717125231_create_options.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130717125748_add_multiple_choice_and_multiple_permitted_and_is_expanded_to_questions.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130717130107_add_answer_options_relation.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130724112909_add_devise_to_users.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130724123043_rolify_create_roles.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130730102219_change_plan_section_columns.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130731124011_add_organisation_to_project.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130731124532_add_parent_to_organisation.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130731130811_update_guidance_columns.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130731131354_create_guidance_groups.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130731131846_drop_project_partners.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130731132153_link_guidance_to_guidance_groups.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130731133039_link_guidance_groups_to_projects.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130812100100_add_release_time_to_plan_section.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130902141025_add_is_default_to_dmptemplate.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130902141150_add_grant_number_to_project.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130902142403_add_organisation_id_to_user.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130903072531_remove_organisation_id_from_user.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130903084409_create_option_warnings.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130903123015_create_friendly_id_slugs.rb dropdown and org language setting 8 years ago
20130905073232_remove_slug_from_plans.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130913134657_add_fields_to_projects.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130913161023_add_external_guidance_url_to_phases.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130918130838_add_confirmable_to_users.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130918154825_devise_invitable_add_to_users.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130926121718_add_project_administrator_to_project_groups.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130927091932_add_other_organisation_to_users.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20130927092206_add_is_other_to_organisations.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20131108151505_add_dmptemplate_id_to_guidance.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20131111090129_create_suggested_answers.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20131118094629_change_versions_published.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20131126133804_add_dmponline3_to_users.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20131126135301_add_accept_terms_to_users.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20131127100520_create_splash_logs.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20131128150644_add_sort_name_to_organisations.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20131129143550_create_exported_plans.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20131212111049_add_is_example_to_suggested_answers.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20140210121753_add_is_text_field_to_questions.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20140214120652_add_question_id_to_guidances.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20140214155629_dmptemplates_guidance_groups.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20140218113637_themes_in_guidance.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20140331160554_question_formats.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20140331162130_add_question_format_id_to_questions.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20140407105254_add_optional_subset_to_guidance_groups.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20140407153318_add_published_to_sections.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20140423200913_remove_suggested_answer_from_questions.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20140429114226_change_published_in_version_to_boolean.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20140604092907_rails_settings_migration.rb dropdown and org language setting 8 years ago
20140707143840_add_funder_name_to_project.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20150415150436_remove_fields_from_questions.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20150416092404_remove_field_from_phases.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20150416101954_remove_field_from_guidances.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20150416103652_remove_field_from_projects.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20150416105712_change_field_type_from_projects.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20150416112327_add_field_to_guidance_groups.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20150416113232_remove_fields_from_roles.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20150416113625_add_field_to_roles.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20150416114743_remove_fields_from_users.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20150416120233_add_field_to_users.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20150416131657_remove_pages_table.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20150416133602_remove_admin_users_table.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20150427110644_create_comments.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20150427145433_add_field_column_to_comments.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20150430135839_add_plan_id_to_comments.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20150501150321_add_archived_by_to_comments.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20150518153927_add_fields_to_roles.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20150805105542_add_institution_logo_text_banner_to.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20150809210811_add_field_to_questions.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20151208142029_add_field_to_guidances.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20151208142836_update_field_in_guidance_groups.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20160105114044_change_wayfless_entity_format_in_organisations.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20160603124621_create_structure_for_api_authentication.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20160609081745_extend_structure_for_api_authentication.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20160615095101_add_field_to_user.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20160719102542_remove_depricated_api_structure.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20160719140055_create_languages.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20160729091510_add_language_to_user.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20160805101216_create_regions.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20160805103704_create_region_groups.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20160805103912_add_default_language_to_language.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20160805105928_add_region_ref_to_organisation.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20160805105941_add_language_ref_to_organisation.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20160810193149_add_logouid_to_organisations.rb Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
20160822130601_remove_description_from_organisation.rb Branding changes (#24) 8 years ago
20160822130701_add_contact_email_to_organisation.rb Branding changes (#24) 8 years ago
20161021100420_single_organisation_for_users.rb fixed db migration so that it does not update user records in TEST mode. Added sqlite3 to gemfile for tests. Added languages fixture 7 years ago
20161102221313_change_text_description_to_text_description_in_token_permission_types.rb Corrected spelling of text_desription field in token_permission_types 7 years ago
20161115105808_drop_unused_user_tables.rb removed user_statuses, user_types, and user_role_types tables and associations which referenced them 7 years ago
20161115114309_drop_option_warning_table.rb removed option_warnings table and unused code surrounding the structure 7 years ago
20161115121831_remove_parent_id_from_questions.rb removed parent_id field from questions table 7 years ago
20161115123658_remove_unused_fields_from_roles.rb removed role_in_plans, resource_id, and resource_type from the roles table. All were unused 7 years ago
20161115124634_remove_unused_fields_from_organisations.rb removed domain and stylesheet_id from organisation. Both were unused on the front and back ends of the tool 7 years ago
20161115132137_remove_unused_fields_from_dmptemplates.rb removed the unused user_id field from the dmptemplates table 7 years ago
20161115143222_rename_roles_to_perms.rb renamed roles to perms 7 years ago
20161122152339_new_plan_template_structure.rb final tweks to ensure all migrations happen together 7 years ago
20161205095623_removing_intermediary_tables.rb final tweks to ensure all migrations happen together 7 years ago
20161206122926_add_foreign_keys.rb added migration to add foreign keys. Also needed to remove the temporary models, and update existing models to reflect the new relationships 7 years ago
20161208122123_single_group_for_guidance.rb added migration to make a many to one relationship guidances > guidance_groups, additionally, removed the project groups and projects tables 7 years ago
20161212152020_replacing_organisation_types_with_bitflags.rb removed organisation_types and replaced with bitflags 7 years ago
20161213101804_replacing_plan_roles__with_bitflags.rb replaced plan roles with bitflags 7 years ago