@Brian Riley Brian Riley authored on 26 Jan 2018
app made template details a non-versioning update and moved template version logic to the phases controller 6 years ago
bin Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
config guidance section in plan edit page(#943) 6 years ago
db Change long strings to text in DB 6 years ago
doc corrected data model 7 years ago
lib autoresizing tinymce to min_height defined in settings. DMPRoadmap/roadmap#905 6 years ago
log DMPonline4 - RAILS 4.0 (#4) 8 years ago
public Resolve merge conflicts. DMPRoadmap/roadmap#587 7 years ago
test made template details a non-versioning update and moved template version logic to the phases controller 6 years ago
.gitignore List of default templates of type organisation with is_default to true. DMPRoadmap/roadmap#612 6 years ago
.travis.yml updated to node 8.x from 6.x because node install started failing on travis 6 years ago
CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md Create CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md 6 years ago
CONTRIBUTING.md Merge branch 'CDL-MVP' into org_admin 6 years ago
Gemfile ran bundle update 6 years ago
Gemfile.lock ran bundle update 6 years ago
ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md Create ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md 6 years ago
LICENSE.md Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
README.md update README.md for utf8mb4 6 years ago
README.rdoc Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
Rakefile Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago
config.ru Merging current stable development branch into master (#23) 8 years ago

DMP Roadmap

DMP Roadmap is a Data Management Planning tool. Management and development of DMP Roadmap is jointly provided by the Digital Curation Centre (DCC), http://www.dcc.ac.uk/, and the University of California Curation Center (UC3), http://www.cdlib.org/services/uc3/

The tool has four main functions:

  1. To help create and maintain different versions of Data Management Plans;
  2. To provide useful guidance on data management issues and how to meet research funders' requirements;
  3. To export attractive and useful plans in a variety of formats;
  4. To allow collaborative work when creating Data Management Plans.

Current Release

Official release coming soon! Build Status



Roadmap is a Ruby on Rails application and you will need to have:

  • Ruby >= 2.2.2
  • Rails >= 4.2
  • MySQL >= 5.0 OR PostgreSQL

Further detail on how to install Ruby on Rails applications are available from the Ruby on Rails site: http://rubyonrails.org

Further details on how to install MySQL and create your first user and database. Be sure to follow the instructions for your particular environment.

You may also find the following resources handy:


  • Create your database. Select UTF-8 Unicode encoding (utf8mb4 if using MySQL).
  • Clone this repository (or Fork the repository first if you plan on contributing)
> git clone https://github.com/[your organization]/roadmap.git

> cd roadmap
  • Make copies of the yaml configuration files and update the values for your installation
> cp config/database_example.yml config/database.yml
> cp config/secrets_example.yml config/secrets.yml
  • Make copies of the example gem initializer files and update the values for your installation
> cp config/initializers/devise.rb.example config/initializers/devise.rb
> cp config/initializers/recaptcha.rb.example config/initializers/recaptcha.rb
> cp config/initializers/wicked_pdf.rb.example config/initializers/wicked_pdf.rb
> cp config/locales/*.static.yml.example config/locales/*.static.yml
  • Create an environment variable for your instance's secret (as defined in config/secrets.yml). You should use the following command to generate secrets for each of your environments, storing the production one in the environment variable:
> rake secret
  • Run bundler and perform the DB migrations
> gem install bundler (if bundler is not yet installed)

> bundle install

> rake db:schema:load

> rake db:seed    (Unless you are migrating data from an old DMPOnline system)
  • Start the application
> rails server
  • Verify that the site is running properly by going to http://localhost:3000
  • Login as the default administrator: 'super_admin@example.com' - 'password123'


See the Troubleshooting Guide on the Wiki


Issues should be reported here on Github Issues Please be advised though that we can only provide limited support for your local installations.

Become a contributor

If you would like to contribute to the project. Please follow these steps to submit a contribution:

  • Comment on the Github issue (or create one if one does not exist) and let us know that you're working on it.
  • Fork the project (if you have not already) or rebase your fork so that it is up to date with the current repository's 'development' branch
  • Create a new branch in your fork. This will ensure that you are able to work at your own pace and continue to pull in any updates made to this project.
  • Make your changes in the new branch
  • When you have finished your work, make sure that your version of the 'development' branch is still up to date with this project. Then merge your new branch into your 'development' branch.
  • Then create a new Pull Request (PR) to this project's 'contributions' branch in GitHub
  • The project team will then review your PR and communicate with you to convey any additional changes that would ensure that your work adheres to our guidelines.

See the Contribution Guide on the Wiki for more details


The DMP Roadmap project uses the MIT License.