ccjcorea / themes / seasons / config.ini
@Omeka Omeka on 26 Jul 2019 4 KB Travail de J. Hoarau

; Style Sheet
style_sheet.type = "select"
style_sheet.options.label = "Style Sheet"
style_sheet.options.description = "Choose a style sheet."
style_sheet.options.multiOptions.spring = "Spring"
style_sheet.options.multiOptions.summer = "Summer"
style_sheet.options.multiOptions.autumn = "Autumn"
style_sheet.options.multiOptions.winter = "Winter"
style_sheet.options.multiOptions.night = "Night"
style_sheet.options.value = "winter"

logo.type = "file"
logo.options.label = "Logo File"
logo.options.description = "Choose a logo file. This will replace the site title in the header of the theme. Recommended maximum width for the logo is 500px."
logo.options.validators.count.validator = "Count"
logo.options.validators.count.options.max = "1"

display_featured_item.type = "checkbox"
display_featured_item.options.label = "Display Featured Item"
display_featured_item.options.description = "Check this box if you wish to show the featured item on the homepage."
display_featured_item.options.value = "1"

display_featured_collection.type = "checkbox"
display_featured_collection.options.label = "Display Featured Collection"
display_featured_collection.options.description = "Check this box if you wish to show the featured collection on the homepage."
display_featured_collection.options.value = "1"

display_featured_exhibit.type = "checkbox"
display_featured_exhibit.options.label = "Display Featured Exhibit"
display_featured_exhibit.options.description = "Check this box if you wish to show the featured exhibit on the homepage."
display_featured_exhibit.options.value = "1"

homepage_recent_items.type = "text"
homepage_recent_items.options.label = "Homepage Recent Items"
homepage_recent_items.options.description = "Choose a number of recent items to be displayed on the homepage."
homepage_recent_items.options.maxlength = "2"

homepage_text.type = "textarea"
homepage_text.options.label = "Homepage Text"
homepage_text.options.description = "Add some text to be displayed on your homepage."
homepage_text.options.rows = "5"
homepage_text.options.attribs.class = "html-input"

footer_text.type = "textarea"
footer_text.options.label = "Footer Text"
footer_text.options.description = "Add some text to be displayed in your theme's footer."
footer_text.options.rows = "5"
footer_text.options.attribs.class = "html-input"

display_footer_copyright.type = "checkbox"
display_footer_copyright.options.label = "Display Copyright in Footer"
display_footer_copyright.options.description = "Check this box if you wish to display your site's copyright information in the footer."

item_file_gallery.type = "checkbox"
item_file_gallery.options.label = "Item File Gallery"
item_file_gallery.options.description = "Check this box if you wish to display your item files as a grid of square thumbnails and icons."
item_file_gallery.options.value = "0"

use_advanced_search.type = "checkbox"
use_advanced_search.options.label = "Use Advanced Site-wide Search"
use_advanced_search.options.description = "Check this box if you wish to allow users to search your whole site by record (i.e. item, collection, file) and choose their boolean method."
use_advanced_search.options.value = "1"

exhibits_nav.type = "select"
exhibits_nav.options.multiOptions.side = "Sidebar"
exhibits_nav.options.multiOptions.full = "Full-width"
exhibits_nav.options.label = "Select exhibit page navigation style."
exhibits_nav.options.description = "Choose exhibit page navigation style: full-width is a bar that stretches across the page, and sidebar takes up a smaller fraction of the page width."
exhibits_nav.options.value = "side"


style.options.legend = "Style"
style.elements[] = "style_sheet"

head_foot.options.legend = "Header and Footer"
head_foot.elements[] = "logo"
head_foot.elements[] = "footer_text"
head_foot.elements[] = "display_footer_copyright"
head_foot.elements[] = "use_advanced_search"

homepage.options.legend = "Homepage"
homepage.elements[] = "display_featured_item"
homepage.elements[] = "display_featured_collection"
homepage.elements[] = "display_featured_exhibit"
homepage.elements[] = "homepage_recent_items"
homepage.elements[] = "homepage_text" = "items"
items.options.legend = "Items"
items.elements[] = "item_file_gallery"

exhibits.options.legend = "Exhibit Builder"
exhibits.elements[] = "exhibits_nav"


; Exclude fields from plugins, if they wish.
exclude_fields = "display_featured_item,display_featured_collection,display_featured_exhibit,homepage_recent_items,homepage_text"