web-dumps / conditor-dumps / Makefile
@Nicolas Thouvenin Nicolas Thouvenin on 14 Mar 2023 1 KB fix: npx is required
NPROCS = $(shell grep -c 'processor' /proc/cpuinfo)
MAKEFLAGS += -j$(NPROCS) --max-load=$(NPROCS)
# This ensures the next time you run Make, it’ll properly re-run the failed
# rule, and guards against broken files.
# See

# To prevent deleting intermediate files (for controls)
.PRECIOUS: 02-download/%.jsonl 03-create-fields/%.jsonl 04-enrich/%.jsonl

SOURCE_FILES := $(wildcard 01-query/*.txt)
TARGET_FILES := $(patsubst 01-query/%.txt, 05-report/%.log, $(SOURCE_FILES))

watch: ## Automatically build files when they change
	while true; do \
		inotifywait -qr -e modify -e create -e delete -e move --exclude '/\.' 01-query; \
		$(MAKE) all; \

# Rules
all: $(TARGET_FILES) ## Build all files

# cible : dépendance
05-report/%.log: 04-enrich/%.jsonl
	mkdir -p $(@D)
	wc -l $< > $@

04-enrich/%.jsonl: 03-create-fields/%.jsonl
	mkdir -p $(@D)
	time npx ezs 04-enrich.ini < $< > $@.crdownload
	mv $@.crdownload $@

03-create-fields/%.jsonl: 02-download/%.jsonl
	mkdir -p $(@D)
	time npx ezs 03-create-fields.ini < $< > $@.crdownload
	mv $@.crdownload $@

02-download/%.jsonl: 01-query/%.txt
	mkdir -p $(@D)
	time npx ezs 02-download.ini < $< > $@.crdownload
	mv $@.crdownload $@