web-services / loterre-resolvers / v1 / transcribe.cfg
@Nicolas Thouvenin Nicolas Thouvenin on 14 Jun 2023 1 KB use common cfg files
# Necessary plugins
plugin = basics
plugin = analytics
plugin = storage

# Load concept form URI
location = env('location')
domain = env('loterreID').prepend('loterre-').append('concepts')
path = value
target = value

# transcribe broaderConcept
path = value.skos$broader
value = get('value.skos$broader').castArray().filter(Boolean)

path = value.skos$broader

location = env('location')
domain = env('loterreID').prepend('loterre-').append('concepts')
path = rdf$resource

value = self().pick(['skos$prefLabel', 'rdf$about'])

# transcribe narrowerConcept
path = value.skos$narrower
value = get('value.skos$narrower').castArray().filter(Boolean)

path = value.skos$narrower

location = env('location')
domain = env('loterreID').prepend('loterre-').append('concepts')
path = rdf$resource

value = self().pick(['skos$prefLabel', 'rdf$about'])

# trick to apply OBJFlatten only on the value field
path = value
safe = true

path = value
value = get('value').pop()