web-services / mapping-tools / v1 / apc / 2018 / doi.ini
@Nicolas Thouvenin Nicolas Thouvenin on 19 Jul 1 KB avoid setting public URLs for resources
# OpenAPI Documentation - JSON format (dot notation)
mimeType = application/json

post.operationId = post-v1-apc-2018-doi
post.requestBody.content.application/ = 0
post.requestBody.content.application/json.example.0.value = 10.1364/boe.9.000142
post.requestBody.content.application/json.schema.$ref = #/components/schemas/IdChaines
post.requestBody.required = true
post.responses.default.content.application/ = 0
post.responses.default.content.application/json.example.0.value = 1234
post.responses.default.content.application/json.schema.$ref = #/components/schemas/IdChaines
post.responses.default.description = Renvoie un JSON, composé d `id`, `value`, avec `value` étant un cout APC.
post.description = Renvoie l'identifiant idRef correspondant à l'identifiant halAuthorId envoyé.
post.tags.0: mapping
post.summary: Propose un coût APC par DOI
post.parameters.0.description = Indenter le JSON résultant = query = indent
post.parameters.0.required = false
post.parameters.0.schema.type = boolean

plugin = basics
plugin = analytics

path = date
value = thru(d => (new Date()).toISOString().split("T")[0])


# Homogenize ID: url, string and number to an url
path = value
cacheName = env("date").prepend("post-v1-apc-2018-doi-")

path = value
default = n/a
primer = env("TABLE_SERVER_URL", "") \
file = ./apc-2018-doi.ini

path = value
value = get("value.value")

indent = env('indent', true)