web-services / loterre-resolvers / v1 / P21 / identify.ini
@Nicolas Thouvenin Nicolas Thouvenin on 19 Sep 2 KB wrong id
# OpenAPI Documentation - JSON format (dot notation)
mimeType = application/json
post.operationId = post-v1-P21-identify
post.description = Associer des termes au vocabulaire Loterre correspondant - (Littérature)
post.summary = verbalisation à partir d'un tableau d'objets avec à minima un champ value contenant des termes
post.tags.0 = loterre-resolvers
post.requestBody.content.application/ = 1
post.requestBody.content.application/json.example.0.value = absolutism
post.requestBody.content.application/ = 2
post.requestBody.content.application/json.example.1.value = anachronism
post.requestBody.content.application/ = 3
post.requestBody.content.application/json.example.2.value = casuistry
post.requestBody.content.application/json.schema.$ref = #/components/schemas/JSONStream
post.requestBody.required = true
post.responses.default.content.application/ = 1
post.responses.default.content.application/json.example.0.value = {...}
post.responses.default.content.application/ = 2
post.responses.default.content.application/json.example.1.value = {...}
post.responses.default.content.application/ = 3
post.responses.default.content.application/json.example.2.value = {...}
post.responses.default.content.application/json.schema.$ref =  #/components/schemas/JSONStream
post.responses.default.description = Les prefixes DOI en verion textuel
post.parameters.0.description = Indenter le JSON résultant = query = indent
post.parameters.0.schema.type = boolean
file = ./v1/P21.cfg
file = ./v1/process.cfg
test = get('value').isObject()

# id field is required in order to work with lodex
path = id
value = get('id')

path = value.about
value = get('value.rdf$about')
path = value.prefLabel@fr
value = get('value.skos$prefLabel').filter(y => (y.xml$lang === 'fr')).map(x => x.xml$t).shift()
path = value.prefLabel@en
value = get('value.skos$prefLabel').filter(y => (y.xml$lang === 'en')).map(x => x.xml$t).shift()
file = ./v1/send.cfg