web-services / nlp-tools / v1 / en / npchunker / analyze.ini
@schneist schneist on 5 May 2023 2 KB swagger
# openAPI Documentation - JSON format (dot notation)
post.responses.default.content.application/json.schema.$ref =  #/components/schemas/JSONStream
post.requestBody.required = true
post.requestBody.content.application/json.schema.$ref = #/components/schemas/JSONStream = query = path
post.parameters.0.schema.type = string
post.parameters.0.description = The path in each object to enrich with an Python script = query = indent
post.parameters.1.schema.type = boolean
post.parameters.1.description = Indent or not the JSON Result = query = output
post.parameters.2.description = result format [doc] ou [json]
post.parameters.2.schema.enum = [doc, json]
mimeType = application/json
post.summary = Nominal Chunking in english 
post.responses.description = produces a list of nominal phrases from text
post.requestBody.content.application/ = 1
post.requestBody.content.application/json.example.0.value = Non-local effects by homogenization or 3D–1D dimension reduction in elastic materials reinforced by stiff fibers.We first consider an elastic thin heterogeneous cylinder of radius of order ε: the interior of the cylinder is occupied by a stiff material (fiber) that is surrounded by a soft material (matrix). By assuming that the elasticity tensor of the fiber does not scale with ε and that of the matrix scales with ε2, we prove that the one dimensional model is a nonlocal system.We then consider a reference configuration domain filled out by periodically distributed rods similar to those described above. We prove that the homogenized model is a second order nonlocal problem.In particular, we show that the homogenization problem is directly connected to the 3D–1D dimensional reduction problem.
post.responses.default.content.application/ = 1
post.responses.default.content.application/json.example.0.value = effect_by_homogenization dimension_reduction elastic_material stiff_fiber thin_heterogeneous_cylinder cylinder_of_radius radius_of_order stiff_material soft_material elasticity_tensor matrix_scale dimensional_model nonlocal_system reference_configuration_domain distribute_rod homogenized_model second_order nonlocal_problem homogenization_problem dimensional_reduction_problem

plugin = @ezs/spawn
plugin = @ezs/basics
plugin = @ezs/analytics

separator = *

path = env('path', 'value')
size = 100
# in production mode, uncomment the following line
cache = boost

#command should be executable !
command = ./
args = NPchunker 
args = fix('-o')
args = env('output','doc')
args = fix('-lang')
args = en
args = fix('-param')
args = env('param','{}')
